Welcome to

Make the choice of a reflexive and open to the world physiotherapy degree.
Discover the CEERRF, its premises, courses, educational team …
The profession, opportunities, our institutional, educational or private partnerships…
Learn physiotherapy at CEERRF or abroad ...

Welcome to


Make the choice of a reflexive
and open to the world
physiotherapy degree.
Discover the CEERRF, its premises, courses, educational team …
The profession, opportunities, our institutional, educational or private partnerships…
Learn physiotherapy at CEERRF or abroad ...

Open House Days

The last Open House days 2023-24 will take place from 4PM to 7PM on june 19th, 2024. Register now !

Register now

Registrations for admissions to article 25 / article 27 titles are open. Register NOW !

Learn everthing about admission

You’re a high school student, graduated, parent or you simply want to know more physiotherapy courses? Here are all the relevant information to join the CEERRF.

Registrations for applications under articles 25 & 27 are open. Fill in your admission form : Article 25 | Article 27

  • How are studies handled in Ceerrf.
  • Selection process and universities relationships.
STAPS - 38 places
PASS - 16 places
SCIENCES (STS) - 11 + 4** places
LAS - 7 + 4** + 21*** places

Temporary positions agreement for 2023/2024*

Latest news

Virtual tour

You are unable to attend a visit of CEERRF premises in person, enjoy a virtual tour !

Visit CEERRF premises in Saint Denis from where you are. We make a virtual tour available to you, so that you can see our infrastructures : classes, practical exercises, auditorium, library, cafeteria, administration … Browse from the image nearby, or click the button below for a better visual experience.

Voir la visite virtuelle
Visite virtuelle du CEERRF
success to DE
of experience
ISO9001 & Qualiopi

CEERRF in numbers

Quality has always be constant concern for CEERRF, in order to meet students’ expectations.

Since 1989, the “Centre Européen d’Enseignement en Rééducation et Réadaptation Fonctionnelle” or CEERRF has empowered numerous students to become reflexive health professionals, attentive to their patients.

* average satisfaction index of 332 students recorded in the 2022-2023 quality survey with a return rate of 97%.
Voir tous les chiffres
* Subject to the agreements being signed with the universities.
** 4 places divided between LAS and SCIENCES Cergy-Paris, the university being in charge of arbitration for the allocation of the number of places by specialty.
*** Ongoing experimentation within UVSQ, not falling within the numerus clausus of the CEERRF.