In accordance with the regulatory texts, CEERRF’s educational project combines study of fundamental knowledge, learning of research methodology and discovery of professional skills, while giving great importance to the manual therapeutic approach. This approach, widely practiced in Anglo-Saxon countries, reduces the time of rehabilitation and makes the patient an actor in his own care.

Another strong focus of the CEERRF project is related to primary prevention. This axis responds to the historical mission of the CEERRF, which is to support, and even anticipate, the needs of the French health system. The challenge of primary prevention is to keep the individual in good health for as long as possible and the entire teaching team prepares the students for this.

The CEERRF develops educational systems focused on “health sports” in particular so that our students, once they graduate, can take hold of this booming sector.

Projet pédagogique du CEERRF

The values conveyed by the educational project

The educational project of the CEERRF is articulated around the following principles :


  • Respect for the person treated in all their specificities (personality, beliefs, etc.),
  • Spirit of brotherhood between students,
  • Availability of teachers to support students,
  • Proactive questioning approach, in order to avoid harmful “certainties”,
  • Encouragement of mutual tolerance between students, between students and trainers, with patients,
  • Multi-referentiality of bibliographic sources,
  • Commitment to non-dogmatism on the part of stakeholders,
  • Valuation of students by trainers, especially in case of difficulties,
  • Systematic scientific referencing of comments made by speakers.

Objectives: acquisition of 11 competencies

The 11 professional skills whose acquisition is provided for by the training reference system are :


  • Analyze and evaluate a person, his or her situation from a physiotherapy point of view and develop a physiotherapy diagnosis ;
  • Design and conduct a therapeutic project in physiotherapy, adapted to the patient and his situation ;
  • Design and lead a process of health promotion, therapeutic education, prevention and screening ;
  • Design, implement and evaluate a physiotherapy session ;
  • Establish and maintain a relationship and communication in a context of intervention in physiotherapy ;
  • Design and implement a consulting and expertise service in the field of physiotherapy ;
  • Analyze, evaluate and develop their professional practice ;
  • Research, process and analyze professional and scientific data ;
  • Manage or organize an individual or collective structure by optimizing resources ;
  • Organize activities and cooperate with the various actors ;
  • Inform and train professionals and trainees.
Etudiants projet pédagogique