Yes, of course. Physiotherapy studies are open to apprenticeship, as part of professionalization contract.
Apprenticeship can be set up during the second year at the institute, provided that the student finds an employer interested in such a contract.
The student will then be required to follow, in alternation, periods of internship and periods of courses in a training institute. Internships are full-time and can be carried out in a hospital setting, in a private practice, in a sports center and even in a research laboratory. The student completes two internships per year and a long internship called “clinicat” in the fourth year. The main objective of the work-study program is the empowerment of the student, who will validate his skills under the direction of an apprenticeship master or a tutor depending on the type of contract.
We have created a service dedicated to internships and help looking for apprenticeships (CFA) on top of a partnership with ADAFORSS.