The objective of the training is to obtain the State Diploma of Physiotherapist, registered in the RNCP registry under No. 40025 (level 7), certified by the Ministry of Health and Prevention.

Once admitted to the CEERRF, the student in physiotherapy follows a 4-year course, organized in 2 cycles of 2 years and ending with a defense in front of a jury composed of academics and professionals. A good part of the training is done in practice, during internships, including a 12-week clinic at the end of the course.

Les études au CEERRF

Course of studies

Teaching is composed of fundamental subjects (medicine, anatomy, physio-pathology, etc.), a strong professional component (science and physiotherapy) and clinical training (learning and deepening) with initiation to research.

240 ECTS (European training credits) are required to be able to support the dissertation. To validate each year, the student must acquire at least 52 ECTS. Repeating is possible, the student must make up the credits of the missing teaching units, during his year of repetition.

The state diploma (DE) of physiotherapist is now recognized at the master’s level (bac+5).

Témoignage sur les études au CEERRF

Training organization

The 4 years of preparatory studies for the state diploma of physiotherapist – which, since August 2021, confers the degree of master – are splited into two cycles:

  • The first cycle provides the fundamental scientific, methodological and professional lessons needed to understand the health problems and clinical situations encountered in physiotherapy.
  • The second cycle, from the base of acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, organizes the development of diagnostic skills and physiotherapy intervention in all fields of practice of the profession.

The hourly volume of physiotherapy studies is :

  • 3450 hours of teaching, distributed as follows:
    – 895 hours of lectures
    – 1085 hours of practical work
    – 1470 hours of internship
  • and 3220 hours of personal work.

The evaluation methods are done by :

  • on-site written work
  • practical assessments
  • oral assessments
  • individual or team work
  • training videos
  • self-assessment (portfolio).

The classrooms are fully equipped with massage tables and all the rehabilitation equipment necessary for training.

To anticipate the profession’s desire to allow access to first-line physiotherapy care (without prior medical prescription), the CEERRF educational project not only continues to enhance the elements linked to an in-depth manual therapeutic approach, based on the Anglo -Saxon model, but also insists on the identification of the factors of gravity at the origin of the patient care.


The CEERRF has made the pedagogical choice to introduce a work-study program based on full-time internships in a care structure and training periods at the IFMK in order to promote the integration of the future professional into the care teams and the smooth running of schooling during periods in IFMK.

The full-time presence on the internship site allows you to take full advantage of the relationship with the referring physiotherapist and to more easily develop specific skills. At the same time, the continuous sequences within the school promote the acquisition of theoretical and practical fundamentals through regular and diligent work.

The first year includes two internships

  • a two-weeks observation period. In connection with this internship, the student will have to produce validating work,
  • a 4-weeks full-time internship at the end of the school year.

In second year and third year

In the second and third year, there is one internship per semester, i.e. four internships of 6 weeks in total. Future MK4s are asked to take advantage of one of the third year internships to start developing their final dissertation work.

In the fourth year, in the last semester

In the fourth year, in the last semester, the so-called “clinician” internship takes place and lasts 12 weeks.

The sites are deliberately diversified – city surgeries, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, etc. – to offer the greatest possible richness of learning to students.

Internship abroad

The CEERRF now offers the possibility to have international internship experience to students during two specific periods : at the beginning of the 3rd year, duration of 6 weeks and in the 4th, during the clinicat of the last semester, duration 12 weeks.

Stages au CEERRF
Graduation ceremony


The announcement of the obtaining of the State diploma by the final jury at the end of the fourth year is dependent on the validation by the student of all the credits corresponding to the training course (240 ECTS). The defense of the dissertation is an essential component. With a volume of 50 to 70 pages, in accordance with university standards, it must be presented in IMRAD format (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). For his preparation, the student will be accompanied by a thesis director who will then be part of the defense jury.