University Professor Hospital Practitioner (PUPH) in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines-Paris-Saclay, Prof. François Genêt has been CEERRF’s scientific advisor since 2015. The particularity of his career is to have been a physiotherapist before choosing to become a doctor. His experience and his work make him the perfect referent for the CEERRF in terms of educational projects and scientific research.
His background
After working for two years as a physiotherapist, Prof. Genêt completed his medical studies at the University of Paris-Ouest. He worked in the physical medicine and rehabilitation departments of the Victor Dupouy hospital, in Argenteuil, then of the Percy army training hospital, in Clamart, before joining, in 2005, the Raymond Poincaré hospital in Garches where he is responsible for a unit dedicated to the care of brain-damaged patients.
Member of the French Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (SOFMER) since 2001, Professor Genêt is regional coordinator of the Diploma of Specialized Studies in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (since September 2015) and director of the Department of Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation (DU2R ) from the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin. This department’s mission is to work on the integration of paramedical professions into the university curriculum.
His work
Professor Genet’s clinical and research themes concern neuro-orthopedic disorders. In 2009, he created a translational research group in neuro-orthopedics with two orientations:
His passion for parasports
Head of the medical delegation of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee for the Tokyo Paralympic Games in 2020, Professor Genet is now president of theof the Connected Parasport Health Institute Synergies which is the prefiguration association of the future Institut de Santé Parasport Connecté (ISPC). This project aims to build on the Bécheville-Les Mureaux site, in the Yvelines department, the first institute in the world devoted exclusively to parasport. It must be inaugurated during the Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024.
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