Since the creation of CEERRF, the quality of the educational offer has always been a constant concern of its directors. Over the decades, the quality process has been regularly adapted to the regulatory framework and extended to the entire organization of the school.

An active commitment from CEERRF
The primary concern of the people involved in the quality process undertaken at CEERRF is to meet the expectations of student in physiotherapy, from their first contact with the school to their post-graduation support. Permanent and active commitment of all the teaching and administrative staff, the quality approach is inseparable from the mission of the CEERRF and its development.

Qualiopi certified
In recent years, after obtaining the Datadock referencing, the CEERRF team worked on the implementation of the ISO 9001 quality standard version 2015. This effort resulted in obtaining the certification Qualiopi certification in September 2020, which attests to the quality of vocational training organisations.
Fruit of the quality culture continuously developed within the CEERRF, this certification demonstrates the seriousness of the processes implemented by our teams for the development, delivery and monitoring of the training actions offered by the school.
François ANELLI, President of CEERRF