With the international opening, CEERRF is starting the internationalization process of the institute. The objective of this process is to offer students an opening to the world, by offering them internship or study periods in Europe or abroad, by offering them courses given by teachers from various horizons, by involving them in the framework of studies, in transnational research projects. For teachers, internationalization is also an opportunity to discuss teaching practices and to cooperate, for example, in setting up joint courses in which students from very different countries take part.

International & Erasmus

The European Education Area

Students today graduate in an increasingly integrated international environment, particularly on a European scale.

The activities of the European Union aim to bring an international dimension to studies with, in 2025, the realization of the European Education Area. ese activities are intended to guarantee the free movement of learners: “A continent, where spending time in another Member State – to study, to learn, or to work – has become the standard and where, in addition to one’s mother tongue, speaking two other languages has become the norm”.

Building a stronger Europe: the role of youth, education and cuture policies – Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament.

Our ambition is therefore to prepare our institute, its students and its staff, for this area through exchanges and the participation of the CEERRF in the authorities where the future of physiotherapy is being played out on an international scale.

International & Erasmus+ latest news

International in action

With a service dedicated to international development, the CEERRF wishes to offer its students and teachers real support in the management of European projects.

Indeed, CEERRF’s participation in projects in partnership with European and international universities or institutions is one of the axes of its international strategy.


In 2022, the CEERRF is participating in a project on the rehabilitation of long Covid coordinated by Escola de Saúde do Alcoitão, in Lisbon (Portugal), bringing together 15 countries (Germany, Brazil, Denmark, Spain, France Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, United Kingdom, Turkey). Thus, CEERRF students volunteering for this project are participating in the adaptation to the French context of the REAGE application, the main objective of which is to allow patients with long Covid to take charge of their rehabilitation.

CEERRF International in action

Pedagogical innovation

CEERRF is also a partner of the Spanish Association of Simulation in Physiotherapy.

For several years, the Haute Autorité de Santé has been promoting health simulation in order to “reproduce situations or healthcare environments, to teach diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and to allow processes, clinical situations or patient management to be repeated. decision by a healthcare professional or a team of professionals”.

  • In partnership with the Spanish Association of Simulation in Physiotherapy, Dr. Miryam Escudero, and Dr. Rubén Lorca, accompany a team of CEERRF teachers in the use of simulation in the teaching of physiotherapy.
  • Finally, the CEERRF participates in the « Virtual Exchange in Physiotherapy » project, coordinated by the University of Rotterdam (Netherlands) and which brings together 16 European higher education establishments. Each student meets another European student via ZOOM or SKYPE, with whom they must conduct two interviews in English on subjects related to their training but also to the culture of their country.

The central idea of ​​this project is to promote the acquisition of intercultural skills defined as “the complex set of skills necessary to interact effectively and appropriately with those who are linguistically and culturally different from oneself”.

UNESCO World Report. Investing in cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, 2010.

These skills, in the context of globalization and the European Education Area, will be of great use to our students.

Our international partners

The CEERRF is currently structuring its international approach as well as its network of partners allowing their students, like ours, to go abroad during their studies. It already counts among its partners:

  • Asociación Española de Simulación en Fisioterapia – Spain
  • Clínica de Rehabilitación Avanzada – Spain
  • Universidad de Grenade – Spain
  • ENPHE – European Network of Physiotherapy in Education – Netherlands
  • Université de Rotterdam – Virtual Exchange – Netherlands
  • Escola de Saúde do Alcoitão  – Portugal