Looking back on the awards won by our students in 2023

The year 2023 was a year rich in rewards for CEERRF students, recognizing the quality of their work. Let’s look back at these events


In 2023, once again, two of our students were honored with the Irénée Award from URPS IDF.

Firstly, Jade Guams, who secured the first position, was awarded the top prize for her thesis titled “Prevention of stress urinary incontinence in nulliparous female high-level athletes: a quantitative research using the Spider method.” Jade is also the winner of the Best Thesis 2023 award from UVSQ, read the interview with our Director.

Following that, Félix Vignal, securing the fourth position, was recognized for his work titled “Motivational interviewing: a tool for managing stroke patients presenting signs of depression, literature review.”

It was an opportunity to benefit from their clear, concise, and lively presentations that reflected their questioning and the most physiotherapeutically-oriented way to address it.

URPS Kiné IDF is funded by the contribution of each affiliated self-employed physiotherapist, collected by URSSAF.

The 24 representatives of URPS are elected by the 10,000 affiliated self-employed physiotherapists in the region every 5 years, based on lists validated by the 3 national syndicates : AlizéFFMKR and SNMKR


A first for CEERRF, and we are delighted to announce that Elisa Martin-Alonso has won the first prize from the Order of Physiotherapists in 2023 in the ‘master and end of studies’ category. This prestigious award, established in 2014, aims to highlight works with a significant impact on the future of physiotherapy and the profession in France.

Elisa’s thesis, titled ‘Development of a self-care program for women with secondary lymphedema following breast cancer treatment,’ has been recognized as an exceptional contribution to the discipline. She also secured the 2nd place in the competition for the best thesis during the ENPHE conference in October 2023 at Charles University in Prague and received applause at the AKTL 2023 congress.

The Order’s ‘Science and Physiotherapy’ Award annually honors the most promising works in the ‘master and end of studies’ and ‘expert’ categories. The jury, composed of eminent personalities in the field, acknowledged the value of Elisa’s work amidst tough competition.

La profession de kinésithérapeute

Proud to play an active role in shaping the next generation of physiotherapists and contributing to the positive evolution of the physiotherapy profession.

The research education framework at CEERRF is designed to be demanding, progressive, and structured. These awards indicate that we are heading in the right direction and that the efforts put in by the students are yielding results. We will continue to work towards this goal, encouraging our students to excel in their research work and always aligning with the practical aspects of the profession.

Congratulations to our alumni for their remarkable achievements, which reflect their dedication to advancing the profession. We look forward to witnessing their future significant contributions to the field of physiotherapy.

We also express gratitude to the Thesis Supervisors Lise Pronesti-Philippeau, Aurel Bellaïche and Jeanne Vanmairis for their dedicated efforts, which have also been recognized.