University : ZHAW , School of Health Professions, Applied Sciences, and Winterthur Institute of Physiotherapy.

Speaker : Brigitte Fiechter Lienert, Professor of Physiotherapy, Teaching and Interprofessional Practices, as well as a lecturer. She also serves as the international coordinator within the university.

Brigitte Fiechter Lienert
semaine internationale ceerrf - suisse

Ms. Fiechter shares her expertise in palliative care during the international week

During the recent international week organized by our physiotherapy training institute, we had the honor of hosting professors from various European universities, thanks to the partnership established with the Erasmus+ program. Among the experts present, Ms. Fiechter, a professor of physiotherapy, teaching, and interprofessional practices, captivated our audience with a fascinating presentation on the Swiss model of palliative care, while drawing relevant parallels with the French model.

Enriching discussions on key aspects of palliative care and interprofessionality

The discussions that followed this presentation allowed us to explore many key aspects of palliative care. The conversations highlighted the place, role, and goals of palliative care in physiotherapy, as well as the implementation of palliative care and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach (interprofessionality). The palliative care structures in Switzerland, national guidelines, and the organization of palliative care in France were also addressed, along with professional roles and reflections on assisted suicide.

Students testify to their engagement in a captivating video

The discussions that took place over these two days with Ms. Fiechter were incredibly enriching. Our students had the opportunity to express their perspectives, ask relevant questions, and benefit from Ms. Fiechter’s expertise. Moreover, they created a captivating video, testifying to their engagement and the interest sparked by these crucial topics.


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semaine internationale ceerrf - suisse

We want to express our sincere gratitude to Ms. Fiechter for her valuable contribution. Her presentation allowed our students to further understand the issues surrounding palliative care and strengthen their role as future physiotherapists. We would also like to thank ZHAW University as well as the Erasmus+ Program for their essential contribution to our international week program, and for their ongoing support to our mobility programs.