Innovation at CEERRF: A fourth-year student conducts international research on cancer-related fatigue.

We are proud to share the inspiring experience of Tisiri, a final-year student at CEERRF, who has embarked on innovative research on cancer-related fatigue as part of her thesis. Her project exemplifies our commitment to the internationalization of education and our openness to Europe through the Erasmus program.


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Digital tools enhancing thesis supervision

In her thesis, Tisiri chose to explore the knowledge and perceptions of physiotherapists regarding cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients in remission. This crucial topic requires a multidisciplinary approach and deep understanding.

One notable aspect of this project is the collaboration between a CEERRF student and a foreign thesis supervisor, based in Spain, Carmen Valenza Coordinator of the Master’s program and research at the Physiotherapy Faculty of the University of Granada. Despite initial challenges related to communication and distance, this experience proved enriching. Tisiri highlights the availability and invaluable support of her supervisor, who found solutions at every step of the process.

Effective communication between the two was essential for the success of her thesis. Through regular exchanges via WhatsApp and virtual meetings, they were able to collaborate closely despite the distance. Tisiri encourages students to maintain proactive communication with their thesis supervisors, emphasizing the importance of regularity and motivation in the progress of research work.

Undoubtedly, this European perspective was also influenced by her internship in Valencia, Spain, a rich experience during the summer of 2022, illustrating our commitment to offering our students enriching and stimulating learning opportunities while fostering international collaborations. We congratulate Tisiri for her exceptional work and look forward to seeing the results of her research contribute to clinical practice and physiotherapy research.

Watch her video interview to learn more.