University : University of Toronto – Rehabilitation and Health Sciences Institute

Speaker : Dr. Kristine Musselman

Dr. Kristine Musselman shares her expertise on Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) in physiotherapy during the international week of CEERRF.

Kristin Musselman

An enriching video conference on FES with the participation of neurology instructor, Nadine Streit

Dr. Kristine Musselman, Canada Research Chair in Comorbidity and Complex Rehabilitation, researcher at the University of Toronto’s rehabilitation center for health sciences, and assistant professor in the Department of Physiotherapy, had the honor to participate in the international week of CEERRF. She led a video conference alongside our neurology instructor, Nadine Streit, on Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) in physiotherapy.

FES is a technique that uses electrical currents to stimulate muscles and improve muscle function in individuals with neurological injuries or diseases. During this video conference, second-year students had specific learning objectives, including:

  • Describe how Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) can address certain common functional limitations observed in individuals with neurological injuries or diseases.
  • Identify appropriate candidates for FES.
  • Describe common applications of FES.

The presented program included topics such as an introduction to upper motor neuron disorders, an introduction to FES and electrical currents, the effects of FES, reasons for using FES, criteria for selecting suitable patients, common applications of FES, and challenges in implementing this technique.

Students greatly appreciated this video conference facilitated and moderated by Nadine Streit, their neurology instructor. Work sessions and discussions also took place to deepen their knowledge of FES. We express our gratitude to Dr. Kristine Musselman for her availability, active participation, and the support provided during this video conference. We also thank the University of Toronto for its collaboration and support in organizing this enriching event.