Research and collaboration between France and Japan

Advancing Postnatal Rehabilitation : Insights from France-Japan Comparative Study.

An enriching international collaboration between CEERRF and Osaka Metropolitan University. Dr. Saori Morino, a physiotherapist and associate professor at Osaka Metropolitan University, shares her testimony on this ongoing collaboration, which began with her visit in January 2023. This collaboration highlights a comparative study on postnatal pelvic floor dysfunction rehabilitation between France and Japan.

Recherche et collaboration France - Japon

An intercultural cooperation

The commitment of Sylvie Billecocq, Director of Dissertations, and Adrien Pallot, International Pedagogy Coordinator, demonstrates the desire to support research and international collaboration within CEERRF.

Current research aims to assess the awareness level of postpartum women regarding pelvic floor dysfunctions, with the objective of addressing identified gaps. This initiative, born out of intercultural cooperation, promises not only to contribute to scientific advancements in the field but also to encourage academic exchanges between the two institutions.

Furthermore, we express our heartfelt gratitude to the Women Mother Child Hospital (HFME) of HCL, and their team of physiotherapists, for their warm hospitality at the hospital, as well as to Mr. Shotaro Tachibana for his invaluable support.

Thanks to this dynamic collaboration and the dedication of the researchers involved, the future looks promising for an enriching international partnership between CEERRF and Osaka Metropolitan University.

Testimony of Dr. Saori Morino

I am Saori Morino, Doctor of Physiotherapy, Associate Professor, and a visiting researcher at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Osaka Metropolitan University in Japan. I am conducting joint research with teachers Sylvie Billecocq and Adrien Pallot at CEERRF. I would like to explain below an overview of our research.

We are currently conducting comparative research on postnatal pelvic floor dysfunction rehabilitation between France and Japan.

France is ahead in developing rehabilitation for pelvic floor dysfunctions compared to Japan. Additionally, Japan has a lower total fertility rate than France. However, the length of hospital stay after childbirth is often longer in Japan. As you can see, there are many differences regarding childbirth between the two countries. Research on pelvic floor dysfunction rehabilitation is an evolving field in recent years.

Furthermore, we expect to observe the strengths and areas for improvement of each country by comparing the current situations of France and Japan, which have different cultural and social contexts.

We are currently conducting a study to assess the awareness level of postpartum women regarding pelvic floor dysfunctions. We aim to understand the knowledge of perinatal women and identify gaps to be addressed. Additionally, we plan to compare the awareness levels of women from two countries. If this project is successful, we could expand our research to other countries with diverse contexts in the future.

I am also finalizing the agreement protocol for an academic exchange agreement between Osaka Metropolitan University and CEERRF. This agreement aims to promote ongoing exchanges, especially among students. I am very grateful to everyone at CEERRF for giving me this valuable opportunity!

Recherche et collaboration France - Japon