Student life at the CEERRF is obviously and above all studies: the course, the teaching team, opportunities… But it is also a social fabric, daily mutual assistance, friendships that are made for life, and activities allowing you to decompress for an afternoon, an evening or a weekend.

Mutual assistance also involves the work of the Student union and the elected student representatives who maintain the links between the students but also those with the CEERRF management team.

Student life in CEERRF

The elected students

Each year, the students elect their representatives to the Student Life Council (CVE) as well as to the Competent Body for the General Orientations of the Institute (ICOGI). Each promotion is represented by 2 elected officials who serve as relays between the students and the CEERRF teams.





1ère année
1st year
Jérôme Diraison

Zoom in with a student

You wish to exchange directly with one of our students for more information on the institute, the training, the financing, the practical aspects …

  • We suggest that you make an appointment with our services to arrange a Zoom session with one of our ambassadors, at the time that suits you best.

Student Union

At the heart of student life is the Student Union or Bureau des Élèves (BDE). It is around it that the whole fabric of the social life of CEERRF students is grafted.

In physiotherapy, the Student Union is the institution that sets the pace for student life. The CEERRF IFMK is no exception to the rule, and each year a new team is elected to head it, to facilitate the course of studies and bring this festive dimension that makes the years of study unforgettable!

Les autres représentants

ERASMUS ambassadors




Camille VIGIER




Sébastien MARTY

Sébastien MARTY





The mediator is a reference student who “helps relationships and dealing with people in difficulty” (CNOMK source).

The VSS referent is the preferred contact for students who are victims of sexual and gender-based violence, particularly within the framework of their school curriculum, including during internships. As part of respecting privacy, these trained advisors may decide to contact the administrative and/or educational staff of the IFMK who will decides measures to be taken.

Of course, a student victim can always contact the staff directly if they consider it relevant. The educational supervision ensures the continuity of the system by successive tiling over the years.

VSS Students



Célestine MACHADO

Célestine MACHADO

Matthieu FAVREAU

Matthieu FAVREAU

VSS Administration



VSS Formateurs



Studies & Health

The health of students is a permanent concern of the CEERRF.

Health bonds

Social Security

For any information concerning Health Insurance, here is the single telephone contact: 3646


To enroll in a higher education institution, the student must provide a certificate of payment of the CVEC – Student and campus life contribution. This is a mandatory process for ALL, students and apprentices alike.

This certificate is issued online on the official CVEC website.

Scholarship applicants will also have to pay this contribution but will be reimbursed by the CROUS as soon as their scholarship is awarded.

NB: Students in continuing education – whose training is paid for by an employer or by a collecting organization – are exempt from CVEC.

Medical certificate

Each student must provide at the start of the school year a medical certificate drawn up by a doctor approved by the Regional Health Agency of his place of residence, attesting that he has no physical and psychological contraindications to the exercise of the profession at which he is destined.


All CEERRF premises are accessible to people with reduced mobility and the school has an accessibility referent. Everything you need to know about CEERRF accessibility. You can also contact the Accessibility referent by clicking on this link.

Psychological assistance

The University Psychological Assistance Offices (BAPU) are consultation centers for students who want psychological assistance. The student’s approach is confidential and the consultations are 100% covered by social security organizations. The rhythm of the sessions is determined by the therapist and the student.

List of BAPU centers

The disability referent

The disability referent within our IFMK   :

  • Guarantees the quality of reception of the disabled person upstream of access to training.
  • Identifies and informs people with disabilities of the administrative, financial, material, logistical and pedagogical aspects in order to ensure the feasibility of the project.
  • Ensures the adaptation of the training course to the situation of the disability, will put in place the necessary means possible taking into account the economic, human and architectural imperatives involved.
  • Ensures the integration of the person concerned and his ability to follow the training through regular interviews and implements corrective actions as far as possible.
  • Sensitize trainers and the administrative team to the specificities of the situation while respecting medical secrecy.
  • Participates in the development and updating of our school’s disability policy.

We are partners of ADAFORSS which has just created a service dedicated to the development of the implementation of apprenticeship training contracts (CFA) for people with disabilities: HANDIFORSS.

Our disability referent is Mr. Arnaud CERIOLI.
You can contact the Handicap referent by clicking on this link.

Stroke booklet

Information and exercise program following a stroke. The CEERRF has partnered with France AVC and the National Council of the Order of Physiotherapists in the design and financing of the information booklet and exercise program in the aftermath of a stroke intended for patients, caregivers and rehabilitators. You can download it now.

La bibliothèque du CEERRF

The library

The CEERRF library is both a workplace and a documentary resource centre, physical and virtual.

On site, the library offers a wide variety of works: books, dictionaries, atlases, magazines, Elsevier Masson Consult treatises and DVDs. Six computers are available to students, offering direct access to educational materials as well as to the library catalog, to check the availability and location of the documents sought.

In addition, students can now access library resources through the CEERRF intranet. Finally, students can contribute to the enrichment of the documentary collection by suggesting the purchase of books to the teaching team.

Opening time

Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


On-site consultation is open and free for CEERRF students. Some documents are exclusively reserved for on-site consultation, these are memoirs, atlases, dictionaries and the originals of the EMC treatises.

To borrow the other documents, specific registration is required. A deposit check of €200 must be attached to the request. This check will not be cashed and will allow you to borrow up to 4 documents maximum for a period of 15 days. Registration is valid for the entire duration of the studies.


  • 6 computers connected to the Internet
  • A network printer
  • A network scanner
  • A photocopier
  • A Wi-Fi hotspot 
  • Binding of written works 
  • Online journal consultation 
  • Bone loan (one week)


Well served by public transport, bus, metro and RER B and D, studies on the Campus Santé where the CEERRF is located offer students the possibility of choosing their accommodation in the sector of the Paris region that suits them best.

However, the CEERRF encourages its students to stay close to its premises because the surrounding district is both a jewel case, bordered by the park of the Légion d’Honneur, and in full swing. The CEERRF provides a regularly updated list of private or collective accommodation in Saint-Denis.

Students housing

Answers to most frequent questions

How to prepare your entry to CEERRF ?

You can enter the CEERRF after validating a first year in university (PASS, LAS, STAPS). The different ways to access physiotherapy studies are presented on Parcoursup website.

In any way, we strongly recommend going through preparatory school for medicine. We also invite non-scientific baccalaureates to follow follow science catch up sessions. These preparatory schools will be of valuable help to optimize their success factor, whatever branch they choose en Parcoursup.

CEERRF recommands Campus Santé courses, with whom we share premises.

Contact Campus Santé

How to optimize my chances of passing my L1 and entering IFMK ?

To optimize their chances of integration into IFMK at the end of the L1 classifying exams, the high school student can choose to improve in the corresponding fields. Thus, after reading the national expectations on the training sheet of the corresponding license on Parcoursup, he can decide to take courses aimed at optimizing his chances of success. Campus Santé notably offers scientific refresher training.

What is the salary of a graduated physiotherapist?

80% of physiotherapists are liberal practitionners. The average liberal salary is around 38000€ per year. For salaried physiotherapists as beginners, the average ranges from 1400€ net/month in public sector to 2400€ in private sector.

Is there any unemployment risk in physiotherapy ?

The boom in re-education and rehabilitation care, driven in particular by longer life expectancy, guarantees full employment throughout almost the entire national territory for physiotherapists. Apart from few areas with strong competition (Côte d’Azur and Atlantic coast), there’s an overall shortage of practitioners throughout the country. And even in stuffed areas, each professional can find their place in the local health system.

Are there any specialty in physiotherapy ?

The profession of physiotherapist is, in itself, a specialty within the health system. The State diploma (DE) allows you to practice within the scope of regulations.

The physiotherapist intervenes mainly under medical prescription in the areas of care corresponding to his skills. There is therefore no specialty but practitioners have the possibility to switch, according to their background, towards a specific exercise (sports physio, pediatrics, uro-gynecology, facial paralysis, gerontology, etc.)

How to obtain the physiotherapy diploma (DE)?

The attribution of physiotherapist State diploma (DE) is awarded by a qualified jury, at the end of the fourth year of studies. Obtaining the diploma is conditional on the validation of all the course teaching units (240 ECTS).

Since June 2021, the State Diploma (DE) has been recognized at the Master’s level, which means that graduate students can enroll directly in a doctorate after the end of their studies.

Is physiotherapy training strictly academic?

No. After the mandatory first year in university, courses take place in accredited institutes, private or public. The 3 cursus dimensions are :

  • fundamental lessons (anatomy, pathologies, etc.),
  • the professional component (sciences and physiotherapy),
  • learning and deepening (initiation to research and internships).

Students are therefor in contact with stakeholders with different profiles depending on the educational objectives pursued and the skills sought: hospital or private practitioners, university teachers, etc.

Can we repeat ?

Yes. Repeating happens when required credits per school year are not obtained (52 ECTS minimum). The repetition year allows the student to take up the courses he is missing and to validate the corresponding Teaching Units (UE).

Is apprenticeship in physiotherapy possible ?

Yes, of course. Physiotherapy studies are open to apprenticeship, as part of professionalization contract.

Apprenticeship can be set up during the second year at the institute, provided that the student finds an employer interested in such a contract.

The student will then be required to follow, in alternation, periods of internship and periods of courses in a training institute. Internships are full-time and can be carried out in a hospital setting, in a private practice, in a sports center and even in a research laboratory. The student completes two internships per year and a long internship called “clinicat” in the fourth year. The main objective of the work-study program is the empowerment of the student, who will validate his skills under the direction of an apprenticeship master or a tutor depending on the type of contract.

We have created a service dedicated to internships and help looking for apprenticeships (CFA) on top of a partnership with ADAFORSS.

Is the course difficult ?

The training course is dense, combining fundamental scientific lessons and reflective learning. The framework offered by the CEERRF and the quality of the teaching and administrative staff perfectly support students throughout their studies. Interruptions and/or dropouts are less than 1%.